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Frequently asked questions about vaccines

What is vaccination?

It is the process through which the body is exposed to either a considerably weakened or killed form of bacterium or virus or part of the microbe that causes the disease. When the immune system is exposed to these killed or weakened microorganisms, it will produce immune response to resist the infection if the body is exposed to it in the future.

Are the vaccines safe?

Generally vaccines are safe and their benefits out weighing the risks. Moreover the risk of diseases are higher than the risk from adverse events following vaccination. Currently, clinical trials and studies are conducted prior to licensure of vaccines to ensure efficacy and safety. These include laboratory and clinical studies and testing. are undertaken during a vaccine's development. Moreover, post licensure of vaccines when the vaccine is used still these are monitored in different population.

Are there procedures for monitoring of vaccines in kingdom of Bahrain?

In Kingdom of Bahrain, national health regulatory authority is responsible for vaccine licensing and the procedures related to their registrations. Furthermore, vaccine shipments are checks upon arrival to ministry of health – vaccine store before distribution to ensure reliability and safety of vaccines. Quarterly visits are conducted to all health facilities providing vaccination services to ensure compliance with cold chain and storage standards. Additionally, periodic immunization monitoring instructive field visits are conducted taking in to consideration adverse events following immunization (AEFI) reporting, monitors, knowledge and compliance with standard operating procedures and data quality and accuracy assessment by using the WHO Data Quality Service (DQS) tool. In additional, the ministry of health establishes an electronic program that includes contraindication, reasons of vaccine exclusion, screening questionnaire for fitness prior to vaccination and adverse events following immunization and also a 24-hour hotline to provide guidance and support.

What are the common side effects that could happen after injection?

The side effects might include local reactions such as redness, swelling or tenderness. Also fever might occur. These typically are self-limiting and resolve spontaneously or with simple analgesia.

Why some times paracetamol is prescribed by health care providers when attending vaccination session?

After certain vaccination, giving paracetamol might reduce the risk of fever and discomfort, however if fever is not resolved seeking medical care is advisable.

Are febrile seizure are caused by the vaccine?

Seizure might be a presentation of several illnesses with or without fever during the early five years of life; febrile convulsion is common cause of seizure that is associated with fever irrespective of the underlying fever cause. After vaccination with some vaccines, fever might occur and this might be followed by a febrile seizure in a susceptible child and usually they will recover. If a person has seizure or develops seizure after vaccination it is advisable to inform health care provider prior to vaccination.

Is having allergy contraindication for vaccination?

Severe allergy to the vaccine component or to previous dose are contraindication for vaccination, however asthma, eczema, hay fever are generally not contraindications.

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