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Reproductive Health

Health according to definition of World Health Organization is to reach a state of complete physical and psychological integrity and includes reproductive health or sexual health / personal habits including reproductive process and reproductive function and its way in all stages of life. According to the World Health Organization, sexual and reproductive health includes physical and psychological integrity as well as sexual activity. It is an essential part of public health that reflects the health level of men and women of childbearing age. Reproductive health means the ability of people to have responsible, satisfactory and safer sex lives, be able to have children and have the freedom to choose when and how to do so. It also includes that men and women are aware of safe, effective, affordable and acceptable means of birth control; Health and reproductive health programs and health education programs to ensure that safe pregnancy and childbirth provide couples with the best opportunity to have a healthy child.

Reproductive health should be viewed as a lifestyle approach because it affects both men and women from childhood to old age. According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), reproductive health at any age deeply affects the health of the individual later, including the challenges people face at different times of their lives, such as family planning, services that prevent sexually transmitted diseases, early diagnosis and treatment of health diseases, Reproductive health services; services such as health and education services should be strengthened, and basic health supplies such as contraceptives and medicines should be supported.

Reproductive health services in primary health include:

  1. Child screening services, school screening and premarital screening:
    • Child screening clinic: the beginning of interest in the concept of reproductive health begins in the early ages, especially in females, where the girl must prepare for marriage and childbearing in childhood and adulthood and not only after marriage. Ensuring good health care and alerting to the problems of underdevelopment and malnutrition The body needs an integrated diet to provide adequate energy to help healthy growth and underweight girls are at risk of having low-weight children.
    • School screening (Pre intermediate and pre secondary screening). Screening includes the examination of students of both sexes, identification of risk factors, physical and psychological development, early detection of problems of adolescence and early intervention to solve them. Also identification of diseases that may affect future reproductive health, such as diabetes , physical disabilities that may result in psychological and physical problems for women affecting marital life and childbearing. Moreover, detection and management of some social habits that may negatively affect reproductive health such as smoking, alcohol and drug abuse.
    • Premarital Screening: Screening includes testing for hereditary blood diseases and some sexually transmitted diseases. Couples at risk for hereditary blood diseases or any genetic disorders are referred to genetic department in Salmaiya. During premarital counseling, some social habits that may negatively affect reproductive health, such as smoking, alcohol and drugs, are also explored and proper advices given . Advices are also given on family planning methods available. Couples are also referred to social worker for marriage counselling.
  2. Caring for pregnant women through antenatal clinics:
    • Follow up of pregnant women at health centers in antenatal clinics to ensure a good health for the mother and her baby. This includes blood and urine tests(includes sexually transmitted diseases) , vaccinations, dental examination, ultrasound examination and advices on breastfeeding.
  3. Women's health clinics (Periodic women screening and postnatal):
    • In women's health clinic the physicians ensure women’s wellbeing in relation to physical, psychological and sexual health through clinical examination and laboratory tests if necessary. Early necessary interventions are provided to women to avoid complications. Family planning counseling is also provided in the clinic.

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