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Drug Information

Drug Generic Name DINOPROSTONE (Prostaglandin E2)
Chapter Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Urinary Tract Disorders

Indications: induction of labor; the IV preparation is used for foetal death in utero and therapeutic termination of pregnancy.

Cautions: asthma, excessive dosage may cause uterine rupture. glaucoma and raised intra-ocular pressure; cardiac, hepatic or renal impairment; hypertension; patient with epilepsy; uterine scarring; monitor uterine activity and fetal status; uterine rupture; ; monitor for post delivery disseminated intravascular coagulation; risk factors for disseminated intravascular coagulation; effect of oxytocin enhanced.

Contra-indications: conditions where prolonged uterine contractions would be inappropriate; active cardiac, pulmonary, renal or hepatic disease. Intravenous route is contraindicated with pelvic infection. placenta praevia or unexplained vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, ruptured membranes, major cephalopelvic disproportion or fetal malpresentation, history of caesarean section or major uterine surgery, untreated pelvic infection, fetal distress, grand multiparas and multiple pregnancy, history of difficult or traumatic delivery; avoid extra-amniotic route in cervicitis or vaginitis.

Side Effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea; uterine hypertonus, severe uterine contractions, pulmonary or amniotic fluid embolism, abruptio placenta, fetal distress, maternal hypertension, bronchospasm, rapid cervical dilation, fever, backache; uterine hypercontractility with or without fetal bradycardia, low Apgar scores; cardiac arrest, uterine rupture, stillbirth or neonatal death also reported; vaginal symptoms; intravenous administration may result in flushing, shivering, headache, dizziness, temporary pyrexia and raised leucocytosis; disseminated intravascular coagulation; also local tissue reaction and erythema had been reported after intravenous administration and possibility of infection after extra- amniotic administration prostaglandins potentiate uterotonic effect of oxytocin.

Dose: by IV route, diluted with normal saline or concentration 5% dextrose to produce a solution of 1.5 mcg/ml and infused at a 0.25 meg/minute for 30 minutes and then maintained or increased.

Cases of fatal death in utero may require higher doses; initial doses of 0.5 mcg/minute may be used with step increments at intervals of not less than one hour.

Therapeutic abortion, missed abortion, and hydatidiform mole, as a solution containing 5 mcg/ml, 2.5 mcg/minute for at least 30 minutes then increased if necessary to 5mcg/minute; should be maintained for at least 4 hours before increasing further.

By vagina, induction of labour, in vaginal tablets, inserted high into the posterior fornix, 3mg, followed after 6-8 hours by 3mg if labor is not established; max 6mg of vaginal tablets.

For gel, by cervix, pre-induction cervical softening and dilation, 500 mcg.

The patient should remain recumbent for 10-15 minutes.

Breast feeding: undetermined

Brand Name
  • Dinoprostone 3mg
  • Pessaries Prostin E2 1mg./ml Inj IV
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