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Drug Information

Drug Generic Name RIFAMPICIN
Chapter Infections

Indications: tuberculosis, in combination with other drugs, usually isoniazid and ethambutol; leprosy.

Cautions: reduce dose in hepatic impairment; alcoholism; pregnancy. Discolors soft contact lenses.

Contra-indications: jaundice

Side Effects: gastro-intestinal symptoms, respiratory symptoms including shortness of breath; acute renal failure; thrombocytopenic purpura; collapse and shock; orange-red discoloration of body secretions.

Dose: all doses taken 30 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after a meal. Tuberculosis, 450-600 mg (about 10 mg/kg) daily preferably before breakfast.

Child, up to 20 mg/kg daily to a max. of 600 mg. Dose in hepatic impairment should not exceed 8 mg/kg daily.

Serious staphylococcal infections, 600-1200 mg in 2-4 divided doses in combination with another antibiotic. Prophylaxis of meningococcal meningitis, 600 mg twice daily for 2 days.

Child 3 months-1 year, 5 mg/kg twice daily for 2 days.

Brand Name
  • Rifadin Capsules 150 mg, 300 mg
  • Rifadin Syrup 100 mg/5 ml
  • Rifampicin 300 mg & Isoniazid 150 mg/Tablet
  • Rifampicin Cap 150 mg
  • Rifampicin Cap 300 mg
  • Rimactazid Tablets 300 mg
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