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Disease Details

Sore throats
Disease Type Infectious Diseases

Sore throat is a very common complain and usually isnt a serious matter. it normally gets better within a week.
Most are caused by minor illnesses such as colds or flu and can be treated at home.


Common causes
A sore throat is often a symptom of:
• Colds or flu – you may also have a blocked or runny nose, a cough, a high temperature (fever), a headache and general aches
• laryngitis(inflammation of the voice box) – you may also have a hoarse voice, a dry cough and a constant need to clear your throat
• tonsillitis(inflammation of the tonsils) – you may also have red or spotty tonsils, discomfort when swallowing and a fever
• strep throat (a bacterial throat infection) – you may also have swollen glands in your neck, discomfort when swallowing and tonsillitis

It may also be caused by something irritating your throat, such as smoke, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (where acid leaks up from the stomach) and allergies.
Less common causes
Less often, a sore throat can be a sign of:
• quinsy (a painful collection of pus at the back of the throat) – the pain may be severe and you may also have difficulty opening your mouth or difficulty swallowing
• epiglottitis (inflammation of the flap of tissue at the back of the throat) – the pain may be severe and you may have difficulty breathing and difficulty swallowing
These conditions are more serious and should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible


You don't usually need to get medical advice if you have a sore throat.
But it's a good idea to contact your doctor if

you have high fever

inability to swallow or breath

severe headache

severe throat pain
• your symptoms are severe
• you have persistent symptoms that haven't started to improve after a week
• you experience severe sore throats frequently
• you have a weak immune system – for example, you have HIV, are having chemotherapy, or are taking medication that suppresses your immune system

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