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Disease Details

Disease Type Infectious Diseases

The lice is a parasitic insects with no wings, live in the scalp and hair, feeds on small amounts of blood and lead to skin irritations .


- Easy to spread , especially among children in schools.
- Direct contact with infected people.
- Sharing tools, brushes, towels, blankets, hats and clothes ... etc.


- Tickling with scalp.
- Frequent and severe itching in the scalp.
- Sores and skin irritations in the scalp due to scratches.
- Irritation of the scalp leading to difficulty sleeping.
- There may be swelling in the posterior lymph nodes of the head.


observing the insect


Use special lotions and shampoos that contain anti lice substance  


The child must be instructed not to share the special combing tools and sleeping pillowss with others.
- Instruct the child not to wear the hats of others.
- Wash sheets, pillows and blankets with hot water or use a heat dryer


scalp inflmation and infections

Risk Factor

- Neglect of personal hygiene.
- Adhesion to the head of the patient as his share the bed itself

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