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تم إدراج هذا السؤال باللغة الانجلينزية، الرجاء تحويل لغة الموقع لعرض السؤال بالشكل المطلوب.

Itching Skin


05/11/2024 08:39:29 م

I have visited last week 29th October to BBK Health Center Hidd for itching problem consult with general doctor, i have given i week medicine i used it still having same problem, itching pimples all over body mostly on inner thighs hands and genital, please me a skin doctor or treatment.
Thanks and regards



بواسطة: Zahra Naser

07/11/2024 08:05:06 ص

Thank you for joining us

Please visit the doctor if there is no response to treatment to re-evaluate the case

With wishes for health and wellness

البحث عن المراكز الصحية

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