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تم إدراج هذا السؤال باللغة الانجلينزية، الرجاء تحويل لغة الموقع لعرض السؤال بالشكل المطلوب.

Pitting Edema with ulcers


17/06/2024 09:06:34 ص

My wife came in Bahrain 4 mobths ago and i discovered that she have a ptiing edema and ulcers. Lab reaults are normal and slighy high blood presseure. Trearment. I done is elevate the both legs and applied elastic stockings. Continues dressing of the wound in which healed slowly.
What are my next steps? In which clinic I need to make an appointment of her case for further management?
Hoping for your reply and God bless.



بواسطة: hsheala

24/06/2024 11:20:01 ص

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For health centers appointments please call 80007000 or through SEHATI application

With wishes for health and wellness

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