Minister of Health receives member of the Representatives Council Mrs. Fatima Al-Asfoor

Minister of Health receives member of the Representatives Council Mrs. Fatima Al-Asfoor


H.E minister of health, Mrs. Faeqa Bint Saeed Al-Saleh, received member of the representative council, Mrs. Fatima Al-Asfoor in her office in the ministry’s bureau to discuss topics related to health sector and health services provided to citizens. During the meeting, H.E welcomed H.E Mrs. Fatima Al-Asfoor and praised efforts paid by all members of the Representatives in the discussion of major and cases of interest to Bahraini citizens. During the meeting, H.E discussed some health cases with Mrs. Fatima Al-Asfoor including; the discussion of developmental plans to enhance the quality of health services to keep pace with the needs of citizens at the kingdom, as they viewed the suggestions given by residents of the Northern governorate and discussed the development of Budaye health center. For its part, H.E Mrs. Fatima Al-Asfoor expressed her sincere thanks and appreciation to H.E minister of health for her efforts.


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