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التصلب الحدبي


18/05/2023 05:37:59 PM

لي طفل عمره 6 سنوات بحريني امه اجنبيه في خارج البحرين يصاب بتشنجات.
قبل ايام عملوا له MRI
النتيجه المرفقه وقالوا يحتاج عمليه في الراس
هل مناسب اعمل له العمليه او يوجد حل اسهل ؟


Multiplanar multisequential MR images through the brain were taken which demonstrate:

There are multiple sub ependymal masses suggestive of sub ependymal hamartomas of tuberous sclerosis measuring up to a large 17×13mm lesion adjacent to foramen of Monro in Lt. side which needs further evaluation with post-gadolinium images to rule out of sub-ependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA).

There are also multiple cortical/ subcortical tubers.

There is evidence of T2 and FLARI hypersignal areas in periventricular white matter of both cerebral hemispheres with internal cystic change and some redial bands which are suggesting

diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis.

Atrophic change is noted in Lt. cerebellar hemisphere.

No evidence of corpus callosum hypoplasia or chiari malformation is seen.



By: Eman Jaffar

21/05/2023 08:06:58 AM

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