Retinopathy Survey contributes to the protection of Diabetics - Dr. AbdulSaheb : Ophthalmology section examine 4 Thousands Diabetes patient in 2015

Retinopathy Survey contributes to the protection of Diabetics - Dr. AbdulSaheb : Ophthalmology section examine 4 Thousands Diabetes patient in 2015


Head of Ophthalmology at Salmaneya Medical Center, Dr. AbdulSaheb Ahmed stated that 350 Diabetes patient in the approximate visit the section every month, as he examined around 4 Thousand patient in 2014 and then transferred them to different Diabetes clinics in the kingdom of Bahrain for regular checkups, in order to prevent complications that may occur as a result from erratic sugar level in blood such as; Retinopathy, black and white water and inner and outer infections.


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