Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Health .. and will run until March 31 - Week events of GCCs unified fifth oral and dental health starts on March 25

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Health .. and will run until March 31  - Week events of GCCs unified fifth oral and dental health starts on  March 25


The consultant of Dental Health Development Propgram and member of Gulf Dental Health committee Dr. Azhaar Naseeb stated that the events of the fifth unified oral health week of GCC to promote will start on March 25, 2014 , where the launch of this project under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Health Mr. Sadiq bin Abdulkarim Al-Shehabi , in the hall of His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud , which is located in Princess Jawhara bint Ibrahim Al Ibrahim center . And events continue until March 31, 2014 . Where will this week's many activities and community events designed to promote oral health among community members of Bahrain in various denominations age . The idea of celebrating the unified week of oral health of GCC was established as an application of the most important items of the Gulf plan to take care of the dental health . And also as a response and activation of the decisions issued by His Excellency the Minister of Health in the GCC countries at their sixty-fifth meeting held in Geneva on May 21, 2008 . Where the text of the resolution No. (4) in its articles satated that the timing of this celebration is held in the last week of March of each year, and the events are concentrated week's on the priority themes of dental health ... and the beauty . the overall objective behind the establishment of these events is to promote oral health through different age groups and reduce the incidence of disease and tooth decay in children . This week will have allot of activities and community events , including the participation of many actors from various governmental and private institutions , private and recreational facilities , and commercial complexes for the benefit of a large collection of citizens and residents of different age groups , such as those held in Lulu Hypermarket on Wednesday, March 26 2014 , on Thursday, Seef Mall on March 27, 2014 , Farmers Market on Saturday, March 29, 2014 , and in Al Ramly Mall on Sunday, March 30, 2014 . Where the events start from 9:00 AM and until 2:00 in the afternoon . The Festival will include educational campaigns of oral and dental health , to increase the awareness among school students , children and parents to reach the largest number of members of the community in order to spread and raise the knowledge of the cultural health of the mouth and teeth with children and adults from citizens, residents and visitors from inside and outside the Kingdom . And to focus on the importance of changing perceptions and negative beliefs regarding oral health, and driving parents attention to follow-up and monitor the health and cleanliness of their children oral and dental condition , by monitoring their sugars containing diets and their schools food bag . and will accompany the festival exhibition , including optimal ways that have on children and their parents and individuals pursued in order to maintain the health and safety of the mouth and teeth , and methods of prevention of disease of tooth and gum . In addition , there will be an exhibition to show the optimal ways for maintaining health and safety of the mouth and teeth , in addition to some competitions to include children's drawings that contain the contents of methods and ways that lead to maintaining healthy teeth , and some games for children to connect health information with the thought of a child . On the sidelines of that will be offered physical examinations and general consultations free for participants and visitors, such as examination of the mouth and teeth, checking blood sugar level, blood pressure checks, measurement of height, weight and other tests, will also be distributing leaflets and special gifts to maintain and promote the health of the mouth and the teeth on children, participants and visitors . In addition Bahrain Cinema company will host school students in one of the theaters of the Seef Mall on Thursday, March 27, 2014 , where they will be screened educational Bart for children from production services for oral and dental health in 2012 the Ministry of Health entitled " Mohammed Marwa trip tooth " and will also be Showing the film Dr Arnop and legend of the Kingdom of dental school from the program" bright smiles for a bright future" for the promotion of health education for children and to provide guidance and transmit health messages to protect them from oral and dental diseases . This event is performed in cooperation and coordination with the Ministry of Education and the Department of Seef Mall in order to integrate the activities of the GCC unified week for oral and dental health within the program entertainment for the family and the affirmation of the principle of community partnership constructive , where will the children and students then work round indoor complex broadcasting health messages to their peers from other children goers compound together with a delegation from the Ministry of Health and Education. But on Saturday, March 29, 2014the festival will be held at the site of the farmers 'market which will serve as a day of culture and health with an aspect of entertainment for all attendees of the farmers' market . During the days of the festival there will be some competitions, cultural and educational games for the health of the mouth and teeth, as the medical team will provide guidance and advice of health and the distribution of gifts and some free samples of cleaning tools of the teeth like a toothbrush and toothpaste , and educational pamphlets to the participants and school students and children, and there are a series of events which will be held in some health centers, schools and kindergartens, and some institutions dealing with children and elderly care and community centers in various governorates of the Kingdom . And finally events will end on Monday, March 31, 2014 . With the participation of allot of the students from schools and kindergartens , and several government agencies , including the Department of Culture of traffic and the Indian musical band . Also , the day will include a range of different educational activities . And the participants and supporters of the fifth GCCs unified week of oral and dental health will be honored , where will provide them with shields and certificates and souvenirs in appreciation for all those who participated and contributed to the achievement and success of this week . And also will be distributed gifts and some free samples of cleaning tools for the teeth such as toothbrush and toothpaste and educational pamphlets to the participants , students and children.


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