The Health Minister “Al-Shehabi” returned to Homeland with the Bahrain delegation after the participation in the 41st ordinary session for the council of Arab Health Ministers

The Health Minister “Al-Shehabi” returned to Homeland with the Bahrain  delegation after the  participation in the 41st ordinary session for the council of Arab Health Ministers


Health Minister professor Sadeq bin Abdul Karim Al-Shehabi returned Friday evening , March 14, from the Arab Republic of Egypt after heading Bahrain's delegation to the 41st regular session of the Arab Health Ministers Council, which was held at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo on March 12 and 13 which coincided with the 14th Annual Conference of Arab Hospitals Federation. The 41th meeting was held at the Arab League General Secretariat Headquarters on 13 March. The Arab Ministers of Health discussed a wide range of topics included in 17 items in the presence of the Member States. The 17 items were related to Technical Secretariat activity, the health and humanitarian conditions of the Syrian refugee in neighboring countries, the humanitarian and health conditions in Palestine, the Arab strategy for combating aids and mother’s health These items discussed also the preparation for the Arab Economic and Social Development Summit, which will be hold in Tunisia in 2015, in addition to the first meeting of Health Ministers in the Arab countries and Southern American Countries and the polio subjects. Beside the Council of Arab Ministers of Health over the period between the 39th regular session in March, 2014 and the 41st session in March 2014and Arab pharmaceutics integration and Arabizing the language of health sciences. Within the same vein, the meeting has discussed the subject of Arab Board for Health Specializations (ABHS), non-communicable diseases (no epidemic ), the Arab Authority for Blood Transfusion Services (AABTS), the unified address of the Arab health Ministers’ Council, health legislation, medical fines and expired medicines and finally the health and humanitarian conditions in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania . It is worth mentioning that Bahrain delegation comprised doctor Amin ABDELKAREEM Al Saati, assistant deputy for hospital affairs. Doctor Adel Alsayyad, head of the department of combating infection in the directorate of public health in MINISTRY OF Health .Doctor Huda Gumsheer , chief of laboratory department in SMC. Mrs. Mariam Al Manaseer Acting head of media affairs in the directorate of public and international in the ministry of health.


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