During the meetings of the regular session (41) of the Council of Arab Health Ministers, Minister of Health confirms Bahrain's support and commitment to fight and face diseases

During the meetings of the regular session (41) of the Council of Arab Health Ministers, Minister of Health confirms Bahrain's support and commitment to fight and face diseases


- Al-Shehabi joined members of the Executive Bureau of the Council of Health Ministers in visiting Egyptian Prime Minister. - Praising the steps taken by the Council of Arab Health Ministers His Excellency, Minister of Health Mr. Sadiq bin Abdulkarim Al-Shehabi confirmed the commitment of the Kingdom of Bahrain and its full support to the steps taken by the Council of Arab Ministers of Health, as well as its keenness to support Arab efforts to improve the health conditions in the region and to encourage medical research and promote services provided to citizens. This came at the conclusion of the 41 regular session of the Council of Arab Health Ministers, held at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Arab League based in Cairo, 13th March 2014, which coincided with the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Association of Arab hospitals. The agenda of the session comprised 17 items discussed in the presence of the Member States. Kingdom of Bahrain made its contributions during these meetings regarding the items and what has been accomplished concerning them. The experience of Bahrain in these areas was presented by Bahrain Minister of Health who stressed the Kingdom's readiness to cooperate with both the Secretariat and the Arab States to encounter various diseases , drawing attention to the resolutions and recommendations of the Council that contribute to strengthening joint Arab action . The Council of Arab Ministers of Health has entrusted its Technical Secretariat to carry on providing necessary health needs for the displaced Syrians and providing financial assistance of $ 200 thousand dollars to support the health conditions of displaced Syrians in Egypt. In addition, the Council discussed the issue of health conditions and humanitarian situation in the State of Palestine, and decided to provide $ 100 thousand dollars to provide necessary medical needs to support Palestinian health sector. The Council approved the final regulation of Arab strategy to combat AIDS 2014 – 2020 as an Arab strategic framework in response to combating HIV, “AIDS ", emphasizing the importance of committing to the ten strategic objectives contained in the Strategy. The council, also, agreed to hold three workshops on the role of media in fighting AIDS and its impact on women economically, socially, and the role of the clergymen in the awareness and guidance in the face of such disease. The Council allotted a $ 50 thousand dollars with a view to organizing these workshops. Also, the Council followed up the preparations for the Arab economic, social and developmental summit scheduled in Tunisia in 2015 , where it agreed to a number of proposals from Saudi Arabia, Egypt , Kuwait, and the Arab Atomic Energy Agency on health topics proposed to be presented at this summit. Such proposals are; establishment of the center of the Arab Model for Medical Research and Laboratory "Egypt" , establishment of the Arab Center for the Rights of Patients " Kuwait " , the project of Healthy Marriage " Saudi Arabia " , the use of Nuclear Techniques in Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy ," Atomic Energy ". It has been confirmed that Arab participation is important in the first meeting of the Ministers of Health in the Arab countries and their counterparts from South America due to be held in Lima during April 2 to 4. The Council noted to the evaluation study regarding the improvement of maternal health in the Arab countries, and the formation of a technical committee to develop an Arab multi-strategic plan on maternal, child and adolescent health in order to improve their health . The council, also, praised the Arab efforts in fighting against polio, and urged Member States to provide all forms of technical and financial support to countries at risk of outbreak of the disease. The Council approved the Arab blog of pharmaceutical awakening, and bioequivalence. The Council stressed the importance of adhering to the contents of the Kuwait document aiming at encountering non-communicable diseases " together to combat non-communicable diseases ," published in Kuwait in January 2014 . The ministers agreed to entrust the Republic of Iraq to give the unified speech before the meeting of the General Assembly of the World Health Organization in Geneva next May, the Council welcomed the host of Kuwait for the meeting of the Arab Committee for health legislation to prepare an Arab guiding draft law to protect patients' rights. The council decided to form a sub-committee of Member States to discuss the project of safely getting rid of medical waste according to the environmental standards of the World Health Organization and international conventions. The General Secretariat of the Council was assigned to prepare technical studies related to that. The proposed projects will be submitted to the next meeting of the economic and Social Council in preparation for submission to the Arab leaders. Participants also stressed the importance of expanding the use of nuclear technology in nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. The Council, also, decided to hold its next session in March next year at the General Secretariat in Cairo. It is noted that the events of the session(41) has been opened with a welcoming speech delivered by His Excellency Prof. Dr. Adel Adawi, Minister of Health , Arab Republic of Egypt , president of the regular session (39), followed by the speech of His Excellency the Minister of Health of the state of Libya , Dr. Noureddine Doghman , president of the regular session (41) , then the speech of His Excellency the Minister of Health of the State of Kuwait , Dr. Ali Saad Al-Obeidi, head of the Executive Bureau of the Council of Arab Health Ministers, and the speech of His Excellency the Secretary General of the League of Arab States , Dr. Nabil Elaraby . On the sidelines of the participation of the delegation of Bahrain Kingdom, the Minister of Health of Bahrain as well as the members of the Executive Bureau of the Council of Arab Health Ministers met the Egyptian Prime Minister Dr. Ibrahim Mahlab on Thursday, March 13, 2014 AD, in the wake of the forty-first session in Cairo, in the presence of Dr. Adel Adawi Egyptian Health Minister. During the meeting, they extended congratulations of their governments and peoples to the Prime Minister on the occasion of the new government formation. They have briefed the Prime Minister on the results of their meeting; the most important among them was to agree on new standard for the activation and development of Arab cooperation in the medical and health field, and ways of providing the necessary health needs for the displaced Syrians in various Arab countries. In addition, Minister of Health, Mr. Sadiq Shehabi met director of the National Institute of Oncology based in Cairo, Dr. Khaled Aboul-Enein and Dr. Ibrahim Fakher deputy director to discuss the aspects of cooperation between the two countries in the medical field in addition to discussing the possibility of benefiting from the expertise of the institute and its services provided for patients with genetic tumors , especially diabetes , from which patients with tumors in Bahrain benefit. During the meeting between the directors of the National Institute clarified that this edifice is medical university hospital established in 1959. It diagnoses treat and follow-up patients with tumors. The institute serves about 2,000 patients a year, and consists of 7 floors with 230 beds. A discussion was held on some issues regarding the treatment of tumors and the possibility of taking advantage of the staff working at the National Institute for the purpose of transferring their expertise in the treatment of patients and training personnel of the Ministry of Health including doctors and nurses on how to treat and take care of tumor disease. It was agreed to arrange future visits to see health services provided and to discuss ways of developing them in addition to drafting a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Health and the National Institute in Cairo for the treatment of tumors. On the other hand, Mr. Sadiq Shehabi, Bahraini Minister of Health met Health Minister of Jordan Dr. Ali Hayasat and the accompanying delegation where they reviewed areas of health cooperation between the two countries , and some other issues related to Arab Health Ministries and developments health issues across the Arab world and the challenges facing the Health Ministries around the world . The two parties agreed to arrange a meeting during the forthcoming period to review the developments in work between the two countries in the health field in the light of the previous Memorandum of health Cooperation. It is worth mentioning that the delegation of the Kingdom of Bahrain includes Dr. Amin Abdul Karim Al Saati, Assistant Undersecretary for hospitals affairs at the Ministry of Health , Dr. Adel Al Sayyad, head of Department of Disease Control , Public Health Department , Ministry of Health , Dr. Huda Jamsheer , head of the laboratory at Salmaniya Medical Complex , Ministry of Health , Ms. Al Mnassir Acting Head of Information affairs at the department of public and international relations at the Ministry of Health .


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