Operational plan has been developed to promote epidemic detection of the disease in the Kingdom of Bahrain, The Ministry of Health proceeds its efforts fighting measles and Prevention

Operational plan has been developed to promote epidemic detection of the disease in the Kingdom of Bahrain, The Ministry of Health proceeds its efforts fighting measles and Prevention


Dr. Mariam Al Hajri, Director of the Department of Public Health said that a meeting was held for the coordination of the vaccination campaigns against measles in the light of the discovery of 15 cases of measles since the beginning of 2014, pointing out that all the recorded cases are either imported or linked to cases imported from other countries. Most of the cases are non- immune children or have not completed vaccines. During that meeting, which included representatives from all concerned departments and sections at the Ministry of Health, all vaccination campaigns-related technical matters, including a number of public and private schools and residential complexes in which cases of measles have been discovered, were reviewed. A preventive plan has been developed to counter importing measles virus. It included coordination of expanding vaccination campaigns to include residential complexes and other private and government schools in order to maintain high rates of communal immunity and to prevent the spread of the disease in the Kingdom. During the meeting, an operational plan has been developed to promote epidemic detection of measles and ways of prevention in the Kingdom in the framework of the Global Initiative for combating measles. Dr Al Hajri pointed that the Ministry of Health with the support of senior leadership is exerting continuous efforts to fight infectious diseases and to get rid of them, especially vaccination-targeted diseases by providing free high quality vaccinations and by providing treatment for both citizens and residents alike as well as strengthening the system of epidemic and laboratory detection for all infectious diseases, especially the vaccination targeted ones. It is worth mentioning that the Kingdom of Bahrain is in the process of getting rid of measles. Epidemic, immune and laboratory situation of the Kingdom of Bahrain were evaluated by experts from the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta last year. The team praised the experience of the Kingdom and its excellence. This year, the Kingdom is also preparing for the reception of the World Health Organization delegation for the official review of getting rid of measles as the first country in the Eastern Mediterranean with no record of any cases with endemic measles for nearly 4 years . It is worth mentioning that the Kingdom of Bahrain, pioneering in the prevention of infectious diseases targeted by vaccination and immunization, has its achievements hailed in many local, regional and international forums. In conclusion, Dr. Mariam Al-Hajri stressed the importance of completing the regular vaccinations for all citizens and residents, especially for school students, and the necessity of responding to all vaccination campaigns carried out by the Ministry of Health , whether those held in health centers or in public and private schools .


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