A British physician performed a number of critical operations using the endoscope technology at SMC with the participation of consultants from the Gynecology department

A British physician performed a number of critical operations using the endoscope technology at SMC with the participation of consultants from the Gynecology department


Going on the directives of the prime minister and to implement the ministry’s plans aiming at attracting global expertise and qualifications to deal with the critical medical cases in Bahrain, the Gynecology department at SMC held a workshop on the latest development in laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and that was with the participation of the british consultant Dr. Martin Faroujah as he gave a lecture to the physicians of Gynecology on the above mentioned technology. On the sidelines of this workshop and with the participation of the Bahraini physicians and consultants working in this field, Dr. Martin performed endoscope operations on 4 patients and for her part, Dr. Naeema Abdulkareem, head of Gynecology, stressed on the importance of these workshops in the enhancement of medical and technical skills of Bahraini physicians. Dr. Naeema Abdulkareem expressed her sincere thanks and appreciation for H.E Undersecretary of the ministry of health, Dr. Aysha Bu. Onuq and Assistant Undersecretary of Hospitals, Dr. Waleed Al-Manea for their great support to the Bahraini physicians and consultants at SMC, and for their efforts also in developing their medical experience.


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