MOH provides extra shipments of morphine for SCA patients and confirms that the application of medical protocol on morphine usage is not included in the expenditures rationalize


In response to the latest statements regarding morphine’s run out of the ministry’s storage MOH provides extra shipments of morphine for SCA patients and confirms that the application of medical protocol on morphine usage is not included in the expenditures rationalize __________________________ The ministry of health has denied all what has been published in the news about morphine’s run out of the ministry’s storage, which is the main medication used to relieve the pain on SCA patients and confirmed that the ministry is keen on following up with the needs of this category and that’s is according to the new therapeutic protocol. MOH denied that morphine’s run out of the ministry’s storage is of relation to the rationalization of expenditures, and confirmed that SCA patients receive proper treatment at hospitals and health centers, as they are prescribed with medications and doses each according to his health condition. And it is expecting extra shipments of new medications for SCA patients. The ministry stated also that the consumption of morphine goes according to a certain protocol and international standards in the field of genetic blood disease treatment, in order to provide this category of patients with the needed medical treatment. At the end of this statement MOH stressed again on its keenness to provide all needed medications to SCA patients.


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