Clinic Healthy ... Way By Health


His Excellency Mr. Sadiq Bin Abdul Karim Al-Shehabi, Minister of Health was opened the first Clinic for healthy people at BBk Health Center in Hidd area, which is a quantum leap in the provision of health services for advanced healthy citizens and residents. The Healthy People clinic will change the health map in Bahrain, as its objectives are to encourage healthy people to the initiative in maintaining their health and protect themselves from disease by detecting chronic disease and some cancers where it is still in its early stages to improve treatment outcomes and quality of life. These clinics will have protocols in line with international protocols for prevention, where clinical examination, blood tests and X-rays will be done according to age group, taking into consideration the genetic diseases prevalent in the community. On this occasion, the Ministry of Health calls on all citizens and resident to take advantage of this clinic at BBK health center. Note that the ministry of Health has developed a plan to run that kind of clinic in every Governorate in the coming next two years.


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