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1. What is the National Health Survey?

The National Health Survey is an internationally recognized survey carried out every 4-5 years in cooperation between the Ministry of Health, the Information & eGovernment Authority and primary care to provide valid and realistic health data about the community of citizens and residents in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It enables the comparison and identifying the priority health topics. The National Health Survey objectives are:

  1. Providing a comprehensive database on the health status of the population to improve health related indicators and standards of health services provided to citizens to reach international standards, which will positively impact individuals’ and society’s quality of life.
  2. Strengthening the health information system and guiding setting health priorities in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
  3. Contribute to the development of future strategies, evaluation of health services and health planning.
  4. Monitor health indicators related to the sustainable development goals (SDGs), which reflect the health status of the population and risk factors for chronic diseases and lifestyles.
  5. Improving the quality of life through the early detection of diseases and the provision of appropriate health care.
  6. Identify future health strategies related to resources and monitoring and evaluation programs.
  7. Strengthening health systems and building the capacity of community members to address health problems.
  8. Assess disparity in health interventions to develop plans to address chronic diseases.
  9. Better understand the health requirements for the implementation of preventive and curative programs for diseases.
2. What are the benefits of participating in the National Health Survey?
  • Activating the national responsibility of individuals through active participation which will improve the health of the community and support health related decision-making.
  • Improvement of health services planning.
3.What is the planned duration of the National Health Survey field visits?

The field visits duration for the health survey will last for 6 months, from September 2024 and may be extended longer according to the response rates and sample completion.

4.Who is the target group in the health survey ?

A random sample of citizens and residents aged 18 years and above representing all governorates of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

5. What information is collected during the survey?

The collected Information includes two sets of questionnaires; Household questionnaire(to be answered by the head of the household) and Individual(to be answered by a randomly selected family member 18 years and above):

  • Contact Record -Household
  • Household Roster
  • Household Consent
  • Housing
  • Household Consumption Expenditure
  • Socio - Demographic Characteristics
  • Health State Description
  • Disability
  • Anthropometrics, Performance Tests and Biomarkers: some specific blood tests(fasting sugar, blood cholesterol levels, Hemoglobin and measurements such as blood pressure, weight, height, waist circumference and vision test.
  • Risk Factors and Preventive Health Behaviors: including habits like diet patterns, nutrition, physical activity, tobacco use, alcohol consumption.
  • Chronic Conditions and Health Service Coverage
  • Accidents
  • Reproductive Health
  • Antimicrobial Resistance
  • Health Care Utilization
  • Social Networks
  • Quality of Life and Subjective Wellbeing
6.Is the information collected confidential?

Yes, all information collected during the survey is considered confidential, as the data is handled securely, in accordance with the ethics of surveys.

7.How are households selected for the survey?

Households participating in the survey are randomly selected to ensure that a broad sample of the population is represented.

8.How long does it take for the researcher interview the family participating in the survey ?

The duration of interview may vary, the time ranges from one to two hours, and the completion of the survey questionnaire may require more than one visit per family.

9. What are the ways to participate in the survey?

Participation is through face - to - face interviews with the randomly selected families and individuals in their own households.Participation also involves visiting the health center for laboratory blood tests and vision tests.

10.How do I make sure that the researcher represents the National Health Survey team?

Refer to the list of researchers in the National Health Survey on the website of the National Portal of the Kingdom of Bahrain “”.

11.How do I make sure the caller represents the National Health Survey team?

The field visits are arranged through National Health Survey representatives via the phone number 17282314.

12.What if I have some questions?

If you have any questions about the survey, you can call the hotline again at 80008100.

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