Contact Tracing

Weekly Contact Tracing Update (04 Mar 2021 to 10 Mar 2021)

Confirmed Cases Bahrainis Non-Bahrainis
4159 2557 1602
Average number of new cases / day
Last Week This Week
630 594
Travel Cases
Local Cases
Close Contacts

Tested after developing symptoms
Random/community testing

Tested after completing quarantine

Contact Tracing Highlights
  1. Cluster 121618: Contact tracing of a 28-year-old female citizen who tested positive through random community screening revealed 12 family-related positive cases among primary close  contacts and a positive case among secondary close contacts, spreading across 6  households to include the index case’s parents, children and relatives.
  2. Cluster 123244: A 24-year-old male expatriate who tested positive after developing  symptoms revealed 12 work-related positive cases among primary close contacts from 2  different accommodation settings.
  3. Cluster 123250: Contact tracing of a 32-year-old female citizen who tested positive after  developing symptoms revealed 17 family-related positive cases from 7 different households,  all of whom had direct contact with the index case. Positive contacts include the index case's  mother, sister grandparents, aunts and cousins.
  4. Cluster 121744: A 35-year-old male expatriate who tested positive after developing  symptoms was linked to 7 work-related positive cases. Further contact tracing of the positive  cases, revealed 16 additional positive cases among co-workers from 4 different employee  accommodation units, totaling 23 positive cases.
  5. Cluster 121333: Contact tracing of a 34-year-old male citizen who tested positive after  developing symptoms revealed 2 work-related positive cases, one of whom was linked to 13  additional positive coworkers from 6 different employee accommodation units, totaling 15  positive cases to date.
11 Mar 2021
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