Contact Tracing

Weekly Contact Tracing Update (17 Dec 2020 to 23 Dec 2020)

Confirmed Cases Bahrainis Non-Bahrainis
1213 498 715
Average number of new cases / day
Last Week This Week
157.9 173.3
Travel Cases
Local Cases
Close Contacts

Tested after developing symptoms
Random/community testing

Tested after completing quarantine

Contact Tracing Highlights
  1. Cluster 87535: A 52-year-old female citizen tested positive through random community screening. Contact tracing revealed 7 positive cases across 2 different households, all of whom had direct contact with the index case. The cases detected are all family related and include the index case’s daughter, grandchildren and domestic helper.
  2. Cluster 89112: Contact tracing of a 45-year-old male citizen who tested positive through random community screening revealed a total of 7 positive cases, all from the same household. The cases include the immediate family members of the index case, all of whom had direct contact with him.
  3. Cluster 88778: A 21-year-old male expatriate tested positive through random community screening. Contact tracing revealed 8 positive cases who had direct contact with the index case and one case of secondary infection, resulting in a total of 9 positive cases.  The cases work in the same company and share accommodation in 3 locations.
  4. Cluster 88387: Contact tracing of 26-year-old male expatriate who tested positive through random community screening revealed 6 positive cases across 4 different households. The cases are work-related, with some sharing the same accommodation, and all had direct contact with the index case.
  5. Cluster 88815: A 43-year-old male expatriate tested positive after developing symptoms. Contact tracing revealed 6 positive cases that had direct contact with the index case. Further contact tracing identified 7 additional cases of secondary infection. The cases detected are work-related, with some sharing the same accommodation. This cluster resulted in a total of 13 positive cases across 4 different accommodations.
24 Dec 2020
rating - 1 starrating - 2 starrating - 3 starrating - 4 starrating - 5 star